How to create a WordPress child theme: A Comprehensive Guide

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems for building websites and blogs. One of the key features that make WordPress so versatile is its theming system, which allows users to change the look and functionality of their websites with ease. When working with WordPress themes, especially if you want to make customizations, it’s essential to understand and use child themes effectively. In this guide, we will explore what a child theme is, why you should use one, and how to create and work with a child theme in WordPress. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to harness the power of child themes to customize your WordPress site while ensuring its stability and security.

What is a WordPress Child Theme? 

A child theme in WordPress is a separate theme that inherits all the functionality, styling, and templates from another theme known as the parent theme. The primary purpose of a child theme is to allow you to make customizations to your WordPress site without altering the core files of the parent theme or original theme. This is crucial for several reasons:

1. Preserving Customizations: When you modify a WordPress theme directly, any customizations you make are at risk of being overwritten when the theme receives updates. Child themes provide a safe way to preserve your changes while still benefiting from updates to the parent theme.

2. Maintaining Theme Updates: Parent themes often receive updates to fix bugs, add new features, or improve security. By using a child theme, you can apply these updates to your site without losing your customizations.

3. Organized Development: Child themes offer a structured approach to theme development. You can work on customizations within the child theme’s files, keeping your code organized and making it easier to manage and collaborate on theme development projects.

4. WordPress Best Practice: WordPress itself encourages the use of child themes as a best practice for theme development. They provide a clean and efficient way to modify themes while adhering to WordPress coding standards.

Why To Create A WordPress Child Theme?

Now that we understand what a child theme is let’s delve into the specific reasons why you should consider using one for your WordPress site:

1. Preserve Customizations: As mentioned earlier, one of the most significant advantages of using a child theme is that it safeguards your customizations. If you make changes directly to the parent theme, those changes may be lost when the theme is updated. With a child theme, your customizations remain intact.

2. Safeguard Against Theme Updates: WordPress themes are regularly updated to address security vulnerabilities and improve functionality. If you’ve made changes to the parent theme, applying an update can be risky, as it might conflict with your customizations. Using a child theme ensures that your site remains secure and up-to-date.

3. Organized Development Workflow: Child themes promote a more organized and efficient development process. You can create a child theme for each project or site, keeping all customizations specific to that project within its designated child theme. This separation makes it easier to manage multiple projects or collaborate with other developers.

4. Ease of Reverting Changes: If you ever need to revert your site to the original parent theme’s appearance, you can simply deactivate the child theme. This can be helpful if you encounter compatibility issues or decide to start fresh with a different approach.

5. Learn and Experiment Safely: If you’re new to WordPress development, using a child theme allows you to experiment and learn without fear of breaking your site. You can make changes within the child theme, test them, and easily revert if necessary.

Step By Step Process to Create a Child Theme in WordPress

Now that we’ve covered the benefits of using a child theme, let’s walk through the steps to create one:

Step 1: Create a New Directory

The first step is to create a new directory in your WordPress themes folder where you will store your child theme. You can do this through an FTP client or directly from your hosting control panel. Navigate to the /wp-content/themes/ directory and create a new child theme folder for your child theme. Give it a unique and descriptive name, typically related to your project or website.

Step 2: Create a style.css File

Inside your child theme directory, create a style.css file. This file will contain the information and metadata required to identify your child theme.
Here’s an example of what the contents of your style.css file should look like:

· Theme Name: Specify the name of your child theme.
· Description: Provide a brief description of your child theme.
· Author: Your name or the name of your organization.
· Author URI: Optionally, include a link to your website or profile.
· Template: This should be the directory name of the parent theme. Make sure it matches exactly with the parent theme folder name.
· Version: Assign a version number for your child theme.

Theme Name: Hummingweb Child Theme Name
Description: Description of your child theme.
Author: Your Name
Author URI: Your website or profile URL
Template: parent-theme-folder-name
Version: 1.0
/* Add your custom CSS below this line */

Step 3: Create a functions.php File

To fully activate your child theme, you’ll need to create a functions.php file in your child theme folder. This file is crucial for loading the parent theme’s styles and performing other customizations. Here’s a basic example of a functions.php file:

This code uses the wp_enqueue_style function to enqueue the parent theme’s stylesheet. It ensures that your child theme inherits the parent theme’s styles.

// Enqueue parent theme's styles
function enqueue_parent_theme_styles() {
    wp_enqueue_style('parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css');
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_parent_theme_styles');

Step 4: Activate Your Child Theme

After creating the style.css and functions.php files, go to your WordPress admin dashboard. Navigate to “Appearance” -> “Themes,” and you should see your child theme listed among the available themes. Click “Activate” to activate your child theme.

Step 5: Customize Your Child Theme

With your child theme activated, you can now start to customize it. You can add custom CSS to the style.css file, override template files from the parent theme by copying them into your child theme directory, and modify them as needed. Any changes you make in the child theme will take precedence over the parent theme.

Additional Tips for Working with Child Themes

1. Customization Best Practices: When customizing your child theme, it’s a good practice to organize your changes. Use comments in your style.css file to document your custom CSS rules and create a separate folder for template files you intend to modify.

2. Regularly Update the Parent Theme: Even though you’re using a child theme, it’s crucial to keep the parent theme up to date. This ensures that you receive security updates and new features. However, before updating the parent theme, make sure to back up your site and test the update in a staging environment to check for any compatibility issues.

3. Use Child Theme Plugins: You can extend the functionality of your child theme by using WordPress plugins. This allows you to add new features without altering the theme’s core code.

4. Consider Version Control: If you’re working on more complex projects or collaborating with a team of developers, consider using version control systems like Git to manage your child theme’s code.

5. Stay Informed: Keep up to date with best practices and coding standards in WordPress development. The website and developer communities are excellent resources for learning and staying informed about the latest developments.


A child theme in WordPress is a powerful tool that allows you to customize your website while maintaining its stability and security. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create and work with child themes effectively. Whether you’re making minor style changes or significant template modifications, using a child theme ensures that your customizations remain intact and that your site remains up to date with the latest improvements to the parent theme. Child themes are not only a best practice but also a valuable asset for any WordPress developer or website owner looking to create a unique and reliable online presence.